
Cypress : School Board Vacancy Filled by Friedmann

New school board member Ellen Friedmann will take her oath of office at the board meeting Tuesday.

Friedmann’s appointment avoided a special election that would have cost the district $15,000 to $20,000, Supt. William B. Calton said Friday.

An election couldn’t be held until June, and the elected member would only serve four months, Calton said.


Friedmann replaces Curtis Bluemke, who resigned because he was moving from the district.

Friedman’s term will end this November.

“Because of her experience, (Friedmann) just seemed a logical choice, and we’re just very appreciative that she is able to serve,” Calton said.

Friedmann was elected to a two-year term on the school board in 1979 and was appointed to fill a vacant seat from February, 1983, to November, 1983.
