
Election Results in Burbank

It is interesting that our Burbank mayor, Dan Remy, was “surprised” at the results of the local election and that Larry Stamper felt that Mary Lou Howard’s endorsements were “irritating.” This shows how completely out of touch these two incumbent councilmen have become with the citizens of Burbank.

To them, their “constituents” are the friends and neighbors they see on a regular basis, those who agree with them and do approve of how they are running our city.

The surprise and irritation they feel are the result of their not recognizing that there are other constituents besides those who are close to them. There are several thousand people residing in Burbank who do not agree or approve of how they are running our city. It is time these councilmen realized this. Then they would not be surprised and irritated.


What they have failed to recognize all along is that the initiative for council districts would never have happened if we “misguided dissidents” had felt represented in the first place! Desperate situations call for desperate measures, and that is why, one way or another, we are seeking better representation. Try not to be too surprised and irritated, gentlemen!



Several days before the election, many households throughout Burbank received a flyer from the Burbank Voters Information League signed by Councilwoman Mary Lou Howard; Lois Wellington, president-retired, Public Employees Assn. of California; Don Brown, president, California Organization of Police and Sheriffs, Burbank Police Officers Assn., and Kay Downing, past president, Burbank Republican Assembly (many years ago, and currently Mary Kelsey’s campaign manager.)

There is nothing illegal about a group of citizens getting together and making a recommendation of those candidates they would like to see elected. However, when one of the group is a member of the City Council, I believe a close look is needed.


I raise this point because, not only were recommendations made for the three City Council seats and city clerk, but also for the two Board of Education seats.

Since no member of this group is known to be informed on school funding, the challenges of running a school district or educational issues, I am left asking myself, “What is the real purpose of the Burbank Voters Information League?” I feel I can safely assume it has nothing whatever to do with providing the best education of all students.

Councilwoman Mary Lou Howard has acknowledged that the flyer was paid for by her leftover campaign funds. I wonder if the people who contributed to her campaign would have wanted their money used in this way.


Since I was never approached by any member of this group, never asked a single question relating to my views or my grasp of the challenges facing our schools, I have to believe the selection of recommended candidates was made in an arbitrary manner without any educational criteria in mind that relate to the need of the Burbank Unified School District.

I believe it is not healthy for a community to have a member of its City Council attempting to control not only the city, but also the school district. Is this effort motivated by a desire to return government to the people?

To me it suggests a desire by one person to control and dominate city and school district politics in an arbitrary way.

I believe we need to keep in mind that our system of government serves the people best when those people who hold elective office demonstrate an understanding of integrity and act in such a manner.



Hanson is a member of the Burbank Board of Education.
