
Orange Ordinance on Illegal Aliens

Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers billions of dollars yearly and is the most critical domestic problem the United States--and Orange County--faces.

Local communities are experiencing a wave of serious crimes, many gun-related. A high percentage of these crimes are being committed by Mexican illegals. It’s obvious that these people cross the border to do other things besides pick strawberries.

Nevertheless, a recent (April 7) editorial in the Los Angeles Times criticized the ordinance passed by the Orange City Council to control the activities of Mexican illegals within the city limits. The editorial questioned the constitutionality of the ordinance and concluded with this fatuous, grandly patronizing admonition: “Immigration issues are too complex for cities to deal with. They are national issues, best handled in Washington. The proper role for cities is one of benign toleration.”


Until Congress passes new immigration legislation, local governments must deal with the illegal-alien problem as best they can. The Orange City Council was undoubtedly responding--and rightly so--to the legitimate concerns of Orange residents, and the city attorney undoubtedly scrutinized the ordinance before it was passed.

It has been rumored that some Los Angeles Times editors carry portable sandboxes into which they plunge their heads, the better to write head-in-the-sand editorials.


