
Tired Cliche

The words change, but not the content. Ernest Conine’s column (Editorial Pages, April 29), “Making Greed Look Respectable,” adds one more dreary variation: “While he (Ronald Reagan) is not personally a cruel or heartless person, his uncritical support of laissez faire economics and his insensitivity to the real-life concerns of American workers is serving to make greed look more respectable.”

Why do these doublespeak prefaces go on, ad infinitum and ad nauseam? Why the “He is a kind man, but . . .” routine?

Perhaps our speakers and writers are trying to convince the public and themselves that our President really is a nice guy. Perhaps the tribute is there to soften the critical words that follow. Perhaps it is a form of self-protection.


Whatever the motives, the cliche is very, very tired. It should be put to rest.


Laguna Hills
