
Fact or Fiction?

Indicting Stephen Vizinczey’s “An Innocent Millionaire,” (Book Review, July 7) critic Ronald Florence charges the author with rendering the “New York Bar as swindlers and thugs.”

Fact or fiction? Here art is imitating the nature of the most pernicious unions in the nation--Bar Associations. After witnessing their guilty pleas to anti-trust price fixing and repremanding lawyers for charging lower fees; banning title companies for “taking the bread out of lawyers’ mouths”; and closing legal clinics for charging cheaper fees, I find Vizinczey’s book a deserving expose on the legal system.

Lambasting the author for attacking the symbolic Lady with the Sword with a poisoned pen, “dull axe,” is as unwarranted as criticizing Shakespeare for his anti-barrister advice: “First we kill all lawyers.”



Los Angeles
