
New Scoreboard for ‘Big A’ Considered

When workers installed a $2-million scoreboard at Anaheim Stadium in 1980, it was considered state-of-the-art.

But technology marched on and now the city is considering buying a second scoreboard--one that will display computerized, multicolor graphics and instant replays--with a price tag of $3 million to $9 million.

Anaheim officials this week sent bid requests to 14 companies across the country, said Cynthia King, assistant to the city manager.


The city will consider a second scoreboard at the request of the stadium’s major tenants, the Angels and the Rams, Anaheim spokeswoman Sheri Erlewine said. If a second board is installed, one could be used for player statistics while the other could flash instant replays, King said.

“Most of the major stadiums either have one or are in the same process that we’re in,” King added.
