
Commerce Bans Pushcart Vendors

The City of Commerce has joined a number of Southern California cities in passing an ordinance to prohibit the use of non-motorized sales vehicles on city streets, sidewalks and parks.

On Oct. 21, the City Council unanimously approved the ordinance which, according to City Clerk James Duron was primarily motivated by safety concerns voiced by parents.

Raymond Ramirez, economic development coordinator for Commerce, said that the city also did not want park vendors competing with city-owned snack bars.


Ramirez also cited health reasons for the enactment of the ordinance. “When the fruit fly quarantine was in effect for this area, there were people selling fruit on the street corners of our city,” he said.

No one opposed the ban during a public hearing, but in other cities, vendors have complained that they are being deprived of their livelihood as more and more cities outlaw them.
