
Placentia : $15-per-Hour City Fee for ‘Research’ Weighed

Residents who take up “an inordinate amount” of city employees’ time may have to pay $15 per hour under a proposed “public record research fee” that officials will discuss tonight.

Former Planning Commissioner Rena Hagmaier criticized the proposed fee and said it “smacks of information control.”

“That’s how we prevent people from getting copies of records,” Hagmaier said Monday.

City Finance Director Frank Dunnavant disagreed, saying the fee would be levied for “extensive research” and not to someone who “comes in and wants a copy of a public record.” The $15 hourly fee would guard against “all the people paying for a few who want to see records.”


“The fee will be charged only when an inordinate amount of time is required for research,” Dunnavant said.

At least five other cities charge a public records research fee, Dunnavant said. Such cities as Fountain Valley, Laguna Beach and San Juan Capistrano calculate their fee based on the salary of the clerk or staff person assisting with public information, Dunnavant said.

While discussing different fees tonight, City Council members also will consider a proposal to lower the business license fee for businesses during their first year, Dunnavant said.


“We’re all encouraging new businesses to come into the city,” Dunnavant said. “The more we get, the more sales tax we receive, the less costs it is to the residents.”

City officials tonight also will consider an amendment to the utility users tax. Currently, when utility companies make refunds or rate adjustments, they request permission from the city before refunding a 5% city utility tax along with the amount refunded, Dunnavant said. The amendment would make the refund of the 5% utility tax automatic, he said.
