
Commuter Lanes and Two Freeways

I just love the Southern California mentality that car-pool lanes are detrimental to easing the basin’s traffic problem. It is sickening to read all of the criticism. These people are part of the selfish group that wants to drive by themselves so they can get to work one minute before starting time and leave 30 seconds after the end-of-the-day whistle blows.

I ride in a car pool, driving several miles out of my way to save on gas and reduce exhaust emissions from my automobile. I go in earlier and leave later to be able to participate in my car pool.

What annoys me the most is sitting in traffic on those highways that do not offer car-pool lanes and looking at all the single-car drivers who are in a hurry to take care of only themselves.


I say, “Hooray,” Caltrans, for car-pool lanes. Tough darts to the single-car riders, who refuse to sacrifice 30 minutes daily to reduce traffic and clean up our air.


