
The Region - News from Feb. 16, 1986

A former late-night disc jockey for country music radio station KLAC was placed on five years’ probation for trying to recruit a listener and her 7-year-old daughter to perform in pornographic movies. Carlton (Corky) Mayberry, 45, was also sentenced by Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Roberta Ralph to 60 days in jail, but the judge waived the jail time because Mayberry has already spent almost two months in prison undergoing diagnostic tests. Mayberry was convicted last August of pandering, attempted pandering and soliciting another person to commit lewd acts with a child. Ralph also fined Mayberry $150 and ordered him to refrain from making phone calls that have sexual connotations, to have no contact with the victim or the victim’s family and to have no unsupervised contact with minors unrelated to him.
