
Hacienda Heights : Waste-Plant Jurisdiction

The state Energy Commission has directed a hearing officer to gather information to help it decide whether to assert jurisdiction over waste-to-energy plants proposed by the county Sanitation Districts at the Puente Hills landfill.

The Hacienda Heights Improvement Assn., backed by other homeowner and environmental groups, charged at a hearing in Sacramento last week that the Sanitation Districts are trying to circumvent the commission, which has authority over plants that produce more than 50 megawatts of electricity.

The Sanitation Districts filed plans for two plants of 47 megawatts each with the South Coast Air Quality Management District. Officials of the Sanitation Districts said they submitted the applications late last year to benefit from air emission regulations that were in effect only until the end of 1985, but that the districts’ directors have not yet decided whether to build either plant.


Garrett Shean, Energy Commission hearing officer, said he will call a meeting of the interested parties to outline ground rules for the fact-finding inquiry and then hold hearings. He said he hopes to be able to report back to the commission within 90 days.
