
Compulsory AA

According to Judge Larrie Brainard (“Lawyers Near Showdown on Drunk Driver Penalties in El Cajon,” June 19), “we want (accused drunk drivers) to be able to show up, to show up sober. . . . “ So he, with other El Cajon Municipal Court judges requires them “to attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings as a condition of winning pretrial release on their own recognizance.”

Anyone who has had experience with AA personally or through a loved one, understands that such “recruitment” is anti-ethical to that organization’s philosophy.

AA is for alcoholics. Participation in its meetings signals an individual’s admission: “I am an alcoholic!” Voluntary attendance at meetings is the beginning of treatment as the alcoholic becomes active in his/her own cure.


The judge should learn more about the philosophy and methods of AA. Judges who send suspected drunk drivers to AA meetings are misusing the organization.

It is a useful tool for alcoholics; it cannot be the court’s baby sitter!


Lake San Marcos
