
Indy 500 Fatality Did Not Occur ‘on the Track’

So Shav Glick thinks that the runaway tire that killed a spectator at the Indianapolis 500 was just one of “only two minor accidents involving cars on the track.”

From the tone of Glick’s article, I’m surprised he mentioned the spectator’s death at all, much less list it ahead of such significant tragedies as the damage done to Robert Guerrero’s car by the same tire, or Garza’s spin early in the race.

I think Glick should be re-enrolled in Media Ethics 101.


Santa Fe Springs

Editor’s note: Glick was not referring to the fatality in that sentence, nor was he ignoring it. He referred to the accident caused by the flying tire later in his story and it was covered in detail in a separate story on the adjoining page.
