
‘Christians Who Also Carry a Badge’

I could not believe what I was reading in the article.

One of the most amusing and disturbing statements was made by Frank Grimes of the Police Protective League when he said, “I think it’s dangerous when you have members of this department in policy-making positions speaking in religious terms. . . .” I suppose he would rather hear their vulgar language.

Mr. Grimes, the danger is not with the born-again Christians but with those officers who are murdering innocent people, stealing yachts and dealing in narcotics of which much has been in the paper recently.

I should think you would concern yourself with what this is doing to the Police Department rather than the men who are born-again and are trying to be honest, hard-working officers. The more born-again officers you have, the better we will all be. I commend Vernon and all of the Christian officers for their stand and I pray we will have hundreds more like them.



Los Angeles
