
Alien Visits

How ironic! While our President and State Department raise the issue of human rights at the summit in Washington, their local immigration commissioner has announced the prohibition of return to this country of any partially documented alien worker who crosses the border for a holiday visit with his family (Part I, Nov. 25).

Iron curtains prevent emigration from the Eastern Bloc for specious reasons, and an iron curtain erected at our borders prevents free immigration for those seeking opportunities not available to them in their native countries.

It is apparent that the immigration policy of this country is sorely in need of review with the human rights of those seeking the freedom and opportunities of the native born.


Consider the population of Southern California. How many native-born Southern Californians are here in proportion to those who freely emigrated from as many as 49 states without hindrance at the state borders?

As long as we have among us hungry, unemployed, ill-housed, documented, partially documented, and undocumented alien workers, it is our moral obligation to be aware of their plight and do what we can to help them.

The policy of President Reagan and his lackey, Immigration and Naturalization Western Commissioner Harold Ezell, does little to further the cause of human rights within our borders.



Rancho LaCosta
