
Momma Throwing

Kerry O’Neil’s letter about “Throw Momma From the Train” (Calendar Letters, Dec. 20) was a giant leap in movie criticism. Into the sewer.

By his/her own admission, O’Neil admitted not having seen the film and was basing his/her judgment entirely on the title. Isn’t open-mindedness wonderful?

Misogynistic? Anti-women? You have to be kidding. If anything, “Throw Momma” was almost anti-male.


The two male leads are shown reacting impotently to their situations, seeing violence as their only escape route. Their hang-ups are the source of comedy, not any violence against women (of which there is actually none). The only totally sane, level-headed character in the movie was Billy Crystal’s girlfriend. Anti-women, indeed!

Kerry, next time you hear about a movie with a title you find offensive, maybe you ought to go see it before you waste our time with one of your knee-jerk responses. I spent quite a bit more than a dime going to see “Throw Momma From the Train.” It was a great movie and I didn’t feel myself cheated in any way.


