
Food Stamps

As the owner of a neighborhood grocery, in a depressed area, I’m fully aware of every aspect of the food stamp program.

I know all about the fraud perpetrated by poor people trying to work their stamps around so they can get a can of beer for cash, of people who discount their food stamps for cash so that they can pay the gas bill and others who try to work life-sustaining items, like soap and toilet paper, on with their food orders at the grocery check-out stands.

I also know how poor people, especially the aged, grope around the discount bins trying to put together enough to keep them going till the next pitiful allotment of stamps comes out--and also how the stamps run out after the first 10 days of each month.


The next time a fat cat either in writing, speech or person expresses his displeasure of the program and its abuses, I’m going to write or say to him: “I hope that someday soon, you’ll be on the food stamp program.”


