
A Fond Farewell

Hank Wilson of San Carlos died Dec. 23. He was diagnosed with cancer and was taken too quickly. Many of us didn’t have a chance to say goodby.

Among his other activities, Hank was a founder of Navajo Community Planners Inc. and served as its indefatigable president for three years, from 1978-1981. He did everything from writing the newsletter to canvassing neighborhoods to attending long tedious City Council meetings and reporting back. When I expressed an eagerness to get involved, he welcomed me with open arms--on the condition that I keep the minutes of the meetings. Until shortly before his death, he could be seen by San Carlos residents on his morning walk, stopping to talk to merchants, looking over new construction and generally “keeping his eye on things.”

When Larry Stirling resigned from the City Council, Hank made himself available for a caretaker appointment. He volunteered not because of political ambition but because he knew the district and could keep it safe.


Hank never lost his interest in San Carlos, although he spent much of his time consulting overseas and supporting this city’s International Visitors Council.

Three years ago, when the San Carlos Friends of the Library needed a leader, they called on Hank Wilson.

Although he had not been involved in library issues previously, he agreed to serve as president and for two years promoted our local branch and involved himself in the central library problems. It was he who took me on my first tour of the central library and pointed out areas for improvement.


He was my teacher, my friend. He was an avid reader and often sent me clippings of articles that he thought would be helpful to me in my duties as city councilwoman. He would have been a strong addition to the city’s Charter Review Committee.

The strength of a city is in the wisdom of its people, and Hank Wilson contributed much to this city and to his community and friends.

Thank you, Hank, and farewell.


San Diego City Council member

7th District
