
Elected Officials Have Obligations

There are a great many obligations that elected officials must meet in serving the people. Perhaps the most important, and the most elementary, is to listen and learn exactly what people want from their government, and then make every effort to provide it.

No man or woman should ever be allowed to hold such a position of trust for the purpose of self-gain. To find satisfaction in a job well done and to receive the recognition that accompanies having served well is all that should be expected by a public servant. To set aside one’s own personal beliefs to fulfill the wants of the majority is the mark of a truly dedicated public servant. Elected officials must set aside personal loyalties to individual groups and to individuals.

We all know these truths to be self-evident, yet I believe they are often overlooked, especially at election time. Campaigns are often based on personalities, not on issues.


It is at such times that we come to appreciate people like Azusa City Clerk Adolph A. Solis. He has taken the initiative by urging political candidates in Azusa to conduct a fair and clean campaign.

Let’s hope they listened.


