
Local News in Brief : School Ethnic Mix Study

The Los Angeles Board of Education on Monday approved initiation of a study that could eventually lead to an increase in minority students on 15 campuses next fall.

In the next two months, surveys will be conducted of parents and faculty at each school to determine if they believe the Unified School District would be creating segregated campuses if ethnic ratios were changed to allow enrollments of 70% minority students and 30% white students.

The district operates under court-approved desegregation guidelines of 60% minority students to 40% white students at most of its 618 schools.


But in the past two years, 76 schools--53 of them in the San Fernando Valley--have had their ethnic ratios changed to 70% minority and 30% white.

Changing the ethnic composition at the 15 schools would allow the district to move more minority students from overcrowded campuses to less crowded ones in the West Valley and in West Los Angeles.

Study results are expected in June. The board will then vote campus-by-campus on whether to change each of the ratios.
