
El Toro : Construction Worker Dies in Mishap at Base

A 34-year-old construction worker died in an electrical accident Thursday afternoon while working on the sprinkler system of a new building at the Marine Corps Air Station in El Toro, Marine Corps officials said.

The exact cause of death was still being investigated late Thursday.

Gunnery Sgt. Peg Cauley said the victim, identified by the coroner’s office as Roger M. Gringas, was working alone when the accident occurred shortly after 3 p.m. Another worker discovered the body and called paramedics, who pronounced the man dead at the scene, Cauley said. Further information about the accident was unavailable late Thursday.

The man was a subcontractor for T.B. Penick & Sons Inc., a construction company based in Oceanside, Cauley said. He was working on a building that will house a new communications and electronics office at the base.
