
Local News in Brief : Buena Park : 2 L.A. Men Arrested in Video Store Robbery

Two men were arrested on suspicion of armed robbery Thursday night after cash, videotapes and a videotape player were stolen from a video store, police said.

About 7:50 p.m. Thursday, two men walked into the store in the 8500 block of Knott Avenue. The store was empty of customers, and the men--armed with a .32-caliber revolver--forced the clerk into a back room, Buena Park Police Officer Mike Borregard said.

The clerk was able to get the license number off the 1987 Toyota Corolla that the robbers escaped in. Police chased the bandits westbound on the Riverside Freeway and surrounded the car with police vehicles and helicopters.


Police retrieved the stolen property and arrested George Kadell Anderson, 20, and Ricky Lee Brown, 24, both of Los Angeles on suspicion of robbery and kidnaping for forcing the clerk to the back of the store, police said. They were placed in Orange County Jail. Bail was set at $50,000 each.
