

THE DAMNATION GAME by Clive Barker (Charter: $4.95). Joseph Whitehead gambles with the devil--in the millionaire’s personally designed hell.

STORMING HEAVEN by Denise Giardina (Ivy Books: $3.95). Dramatic and tragic conflict between corporate coal barons and miners intent upon unionizing their plant.

WEEP NO MORE MY LADY by Mary Higgins Clark (Dell: $4.95). Elizabeth Lange retreats to an exclusive spa to contemplate the suspicious circumstances surrounding her sister’s alleged accidental death. She becomes more convinced it’s not accidental when someone tries to kill her.


MARRIAGES by Alan Ebert (Avon Books: $4.95). Three friends think there are two things in life that are forever: friendship and marriage. They discover one is not.

SAVAGES by Shirley Conran (Pocket Books: $4.95). Five pampered women’s wills to live are tested on a remote South Sea Island.


BRANDO: The Unauthorized Biography by Charles Higham (Signet: $4.50). Higham attempts to penetrate the Brando mystique.


BERLIN DIARY: The Journal of a Foreign Correspondent 1934-1941 by William L. Shirer (Little, Brown: $12.95). Sent to Germany by the Hearst Universal News Service at the beginning of the Nazi siege of much of Europe, Shirer closely details its daily erosion and ultimate destruction.

FAST FORWARD: Hollywood, the Japanese and the VCR Wars by James Lardner (Mentor: $4.95). Chronicle of the indelible mark VCRs have left on the way Hollywood transacts business.

A SHORT HISTORY OF LOS ANGELES by Gordon DeMarco (Lexikos: $9.95). Natives, tourists and the curious can learn of a nascent Los Angeles’ government, land development, empire builders and earliest immigrants.



WRITING HISTORICAL FICTION by Rhona Martin (St. Martin’s: $10.95). Martin gives pointers on how to conduct research in order to successfully write in this popular genre.

BEING A BOSS by Cheryl Reimold (Dell: $3.50). Outlines seven succinct principles of business leadership.

GARDEN SEED INVENTORY: Second Edition compiled by Kent Whealy (Seed Saver Publications: $17.50). Lists 215 mail-order seed catalogue companies. Particular attention paid to companies carrying rare and hard-to-find varieties.
