
Arrest by the INS in Catholic Church

I wrote to The Times several months ago stating that Harold Ezell creates his own problems and that there must be a better choice of a regional director for the federal Immigration and Naturalization Service.

Now I’m certain that a cleanup is necessary after the raid inside the Catholic Church (Sept. 28).

The INS (Border Patrol) is behaving like SS troopers, and I don’t believe this country needs that kind of behavior from law enforcement agencies. I feel the INS could have waited until the services were over.


I imagine the church persons thought they were in pre-world War II Nazi Germany. It’s a shame this incident occurred.

I can see it if they were pursuing a murderer or dope pusher, but they were were not. It’s inevitable the INS will arrest the wrong person--a citizen--then look out, INS.


Santa Ana

General’s Record

Good Grief! I’ve short-changed a general! In my letter to the editor (Sept. 18), I reported that Brig. Gen. David V. Shuter, commanding general of the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station, has a bachelor of science degree in aeronautical engineering from Colorado University.


That’s true. But he also has a master’s degree in aeronautical engineering from the U.S. Naval Post Graduate School in Monterey.

I tried to toot his horn a little, but I played the wrong tune. Sorry, Gen. Shuter is even better than I reported.


Laguna Beach

Grieving Mother’s Thought for Another

When I read the article on Jeff Bergan, assistant coach at Mission Viejo High School, I showed it to my daughter, Jennifer. How lucky we are that we have our health.


When I read the article concerning the accident involving David Leidal, my heart went out to his mother, Betty Leidal. When Jennifer came home from school, I handed her the article. I told her everyone who drives should read this tragic piece of news. I said a silent prayer that David would be OK.

Then on Sept. 23 I sent Jennifer to school and sat with my coffee to look through The Times. On Page One I read, “Mission Viejo Coach Receives Transplant.” Betty’s son died. She had also read the article about Bergan and at what was, I’m sure, the lowest point in her life, donated David’s kidney to Jeff.

In this world where we all think of ourselves first, Betty, in her pain, gave the gift of life to another human being.

Today, we should put aside our worldly things. Our attache cases, our tennis racquets, our self-pride, our bragging that our kid is better than the kid next door.

Whether you have a child or you don’t, a moment should be taken. We should quiet ourselves to the inexhaustible occurences surrounding us, bow our heads and begin our prayer.


Mission Viejo

Air Traffic Near Fullerton Airport

I’m writing this as the roar of aircraft from Fullerton Municipal Airport fills the skies above our homes the day after another single-engine airplane crashed nearby.


We know this airport existed four miles from our community, but never realized inexperienced pilots trying to ascend and noisy engines badly in need of service could spark insensitive remarks by city officials that the airport was built before these areas became residential.

Three years ago Rep. William Dannemeyer (R-Fullerton) was active in the noise/safety aircraft issue--until his current crusade sidetracked community priorities.

Meadowlark Airport in Huntington Beach is due to cease operations soon. Guess where all the pleasure-seeking aircraft will relocate?

The communities of Fullerton and Anaheim, which surround this municipal airport, are filled with fear that a disaster is imminent.



Electric Cars

Stephen Mutschenbacher is right (Letter, Sept. 9). Double-deck the freeway for passenger cars only.

Some say double-decking will add noise and air pollution. The answer: electric cars. No noise. No pollution. In Denmark, merchants recharge them free. Surely our companies could do the same.


Orange County is considering fly-ways (bridges) over busy corners. Why not double-deck these streets, too?

We can solve many more traffic problems if we change both roadways and vehicles.


Huntington Beach
