
Norwalk : Epple Mailer Questioned

The Cerritos College Board of Trustees held a special meeting Monday to consider whether the name of the college was improperly used on mailers in Trustee Robert D. Epple’s campaign for the 63rd Assembly District seat held by Wayne Grisham (R-Norwalk). The trustees decided to postpone consideration of the issue until after the Nov. 8 election.

Trustee Harold Tredway requested the meeting to determine whether mailers put out by the California Democratic Party on behalf of Epple violated the state Education Code, and whether the district attorney’s office should be notified. It is a misdemeanor to claim support of a community college without permission of the Board of Governors of the California community colleges. Tredway alleged that the mailers implied the college had endorsed Epple when it had not.

The mailers, which were sent to Southeast-area residents, carried the words “Cerritos College” across the top and Epple’s name in a corner. Below Epple’s name were the words “member, board of trustees.”


Epple said the mailer did not imply an endorsement but only indicated that he is a board member.

Trustee Katie Nordbak, who made the motion to postpone possible action, said she wanted to keep the college out of the Assembly campaign.

Grisham spokesman Tony Russo agreed with Tredway that the mailers implied a college endorsement, but said the board should have taken action.
