
Amplification: Times Hits Wrong Note?

With the headline “Amplified ‘Aida’ Hits Wrong Note,” The Times article on Opera Pacific (Calendar, Nov. 30) hits a loud and misleading note of its own.

The article begins: “Opera Pacific’s controversial use of electronic amplification has cost the company more than $19,000 in grant money from the California Arts Council.” It would have been far more accurate to write about Opera Pacific’s alleged use of amplification. After all, the whole point of the company’s appeal to the California Arts Council is to refute the notion that amplification was used and to claim that the council’s music panel was under a misapprehension on this matter when it made its evaluation.

The issue will be taken up in due course on Dec. 14, when the Arts Council meets in Costa Mesa to review the appeal. It is unfortunate that the Times article virtually convicts Opera Pacific in print before the official hearing.




Klein is the California Arts Council ‘s administrator for music .
