
Barbara Bush on Eleanor Roosevelt

In an article on Barbara Bush (Part I, Jan. 15), Times staff writer Betty Cuniberti (who seems to be completely bowled over by Barb) quotes our new First Lady as saying, “I grew up in a household that detested her” (Eleanor Roosevelt). She then went on to discuss literacy, homelessness, working mothers, etc. These were all causes Mrs. Roosevelt took a personal, active interest in, went out and saw for herself what conditions were in those difficult days, and tried to use her influence to help. The abuse that was heaped upon her by the likes of Mrs. Bush’s family and other privileged society folk has no comparison in modern history.

Eleanor Roosevelt still stands as a shining light for so many people. She worked unceasingly and did not depend on high-priced ad men to chronicle her good deeds. May we all take a lesson from her selflessness and modesty! All the “thousand points of light” of this immorally expensive inaugural are but faint beams from mean-spirited, greedy men and women in comparison to Eleanor Roosevelt.


San Diego
