
Bowers Museum Expansion Plan

In reply to Joy Patterson’s letter (Jan. 15) about the expansion of Bowers Museum in Santa Ana, I absolutely agree that we, as citizens of the present, should try diligently to preserve the classics and the history of our area.

I realize that the board of directors of Bowers Museum is caught in the economic trap of needing to expand, and finding that it is less expensive to raze the old and build new than to remodel existing structures; but the logic of tearing down history in order to build new quarters to house history escapes me.

Our past gives us strength, courage and identity. We must not scrap it for the sake of efficiency and the difference of a few dollars.


If letters will help, I’ll write to Harriet Harris, president of the Bowers board of directors, and hope that many concerned citizens will do the same.


Santa Ana
