
John Tower’s Rejection by the Senate

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It’s obvious that you have never seen a Democrat you didn’t like. Your latest atrocity concerns the Tower nomination “Tower’s Alamo” (March 10) where you paper over the complete and total destruction of a man and his reputation. John Tower was not rejected as secretary of defense because of his ethics or temperament, but because Senate Democrats were going to prove to President George Bush, very early on, who was really in charge.

When Bush extended his hand to the Democrats earlier this year in a spirit of bipartisanship, the Democrats were all smiles and friendly nods. They were still smiling and nodding when they used Sen. Sam Nunn (D-Ga.), the human butcher knife, to chop Bush’s hand off.

The Senate Democrats are not interested in bipartisanship, they are interested in power. After destroying Tower, they have that power.


Once again, President Bush is calling for bipartisanship, and once again those Democrats are smiling and nodding.


Los Angeles
