
Los Angeles Teachers’ Strike Settlement

Quesada listed some valuable lessons we have all learned from the strike. They were good lessons; however, she failed one. The board has still not caught on to one glaring objective of the teachers. She said teachers can have higher salaries but we would also have to cut the budget in reading programs, textbooks, and school maintenance.

That’s the major problem with the board’s priorities. They start cutting from the wrong end. We want them to “chop from the top.” Putting the “fat cats” on a leaner diet won’t affect the students. The cuts they always propose will hurt the students. This is what the strike was all about. Why can’t they understand why the teachers are so angry? They waste so much money!

An efficiency expert would have a field day in our district. Ask any teacher about waste. Do the taxpayers know how their money is being spent?



Los Angeles
