
Rea Center, Neighbors

The neighbors surrounding the Rea Center, which houses the SOS organization, are not only angry but afraid! So afraid that we no longer live normal lives! Our children can’t play in their own front yards or walk to school alone for fear of being followed or harassed by an adult begging for money. Our children can’t use the community park in our neighborhood for fear of being approached by a drunk or mentally disturbed person, or having these people exposing themselves. We have all experienced some type of problem that leaves us feeling helpless and a victim of this charity organization’s do-good approach of saving mankind in our neighborhood.

Where is the sympathy for the neighbors of Rea Center and for the problems we have been coping with for much too long? Look at the results of what has been brought into a quiet residential neighborhood and ask yourself if you’d want this in your own front yard?

The Task Force Committee members representing the neighbors offered many possible, workable solutions to these problems, but SOS wasn’t willing to give an inch or compromise. They insisted that it is their God-given right to feed, clothe and financially help anyone who asks without any restrictions, limitations or guidelines. And, regardless of our concerns, would not admit that they were at fault for bringing this into our community. They obviously don’t seem concerned about those it so closely affects.


The only alternative is for the SOS operation to relocate to a non-residential area away from children and schools and families who are harmed by this. I chose to live in Costa Mesa, but never anticipated the “skid row” environment I am facing on a daily basis. Please sympathize with the neighbors and their rights!


Costa Mesa
