
American Toxxic Control’s Price for BCL Associates Put at $690,000

American Toxxic Control Inc. has sold BCL Associates Inc. in Huntington Beach to Earth Technology Corp. for $690,000, according to a federal Securities and Exchange Commission filing.

The sale was announced in May, but neither company had disclosed a price.

BCL is an environmental engineering and laboratory services company with revenue last year of $4.5 million. American Toxxic said earlier it was selling BCL to raise cash in order to repay debt.

Meanwhile, American Toxxic said recently it had again won an extension on repayment of $4 million owed to two lenders. American Toxxic borrowed the money last year to acquire part of another company, U.S. Filter, and since then has obtained several extensions.


American Toxxic, Huntington Beach, makes equipment for cleaning up hazardous wastes. Earth Technology, Long Beach, is an environmental engineering consultant.
