
Libraries Get Help From Celebrities to Entice Readers

“Wild About Reading,” the summer program to encourage recreational reading among children of all ages, is under way through August in all 91 branches of the Los Angeles County Public Library system.

Surveys were conducted in the libraries to find out who children admire most. National and local celebrities named in the surveys were then asked to send a picture and letter to post in all libraries. The responses are now on view in all the libraries to encourage children to write the celebrities in keeping with the theme, “Reading and Writing Go Together.”

Television weatherman George Fischbeck, professional wrestler Hulk Hogan, basketball star Magic Johnson and First Lady Barbara Bush are a few of the celebrities who responded.


Pentel of America is co-sponsoring the program and is providing stationery and pens for all participating children. Pentel has cooperated with the library system since 1980 on various projects for children, and each year helps sponsor the library’s bookmark contest.

The county library’s summer reading program has been going since 1931.
