
Whittier : Landscaping Firm Hired to Redesign Run-Down Park

At its meeting Tuesday night, the Whittier City Council approved a $26,000 contract with landscaper Kobata Associates Inc. to prepare plans and specifications for upgrading J.G. Whittier Park.

The 2 1/2-acre park at Whittier Avenue and Bailey Street has fallen into disrepair in recent years, a city staff report said, and is in need of “complete redevelopment.” It has a softball field, basketball court, restrooms, limited children’s play equipment and some picnic tables.

Kobata Associates was chosen to head the landscaping project because it is a local company that knows the park, Parks Director Dana P. Vaughn said.


“There is substantial benefit in staying with the firm that is already familiar with the parameters of the project,” the staff report said.

Financing for the project will come from Community Development Block Grant funds.
