
Low Voter Turnout

In response to “Jackson on Democracy” letters, July 14:

I have decided that I will no longer vote.

The political profession is worldwide, and those who practice it are made of the same cloth, whether they’re in Washington, Moscow, Beijing, or Santa Monica. They are gangsters.

To vote is to validate their nefarious activities which include theft, extortion, coercion, homicide, and deceit. The idea that people can make things better by voting is a myth perpetrated by politicians.

Socrates asked these questions: “Is it not a base superstition that mere numbers will give wisdom? On the contrary, is it not universally seen that men in crowds are more foolish and more violent and more cruel than men separate and alone?”


No, to vote in America today is to approve of governmental intrusion into our private financial affairs, the ever-decreasing rights of property ownership, and racist so-called “affirmative action” laws, to mention only a few abuses. The best way to oppose these disturbing governmental developments is simply don’t vote, and have an attitude of live and let live. The universe will go on.


Los Angeles
