
Planner Denies Characterization of General Plan

The Aug. 10 article on the Oxnard General Plan quoted me as saying that the plan was the worst I had seen in my 10 years with the county.

For the record, I made no such statement. The reporter, Meg Sullivan, asked me if I thought it was the worst plan I had seen. I declined to answer her question. Apparently, from the specific criticisms I raised about the plan, she was determined to put these words next to my name.

I am deeply concerned that your printing of this erroneous statement could interfere with the county’s attempts to work with Oxnard in making the necessary corrections to the plan. Although the county’s criticisms of the plan are numerous and serious, the Oxnard staff has responded to them in a constructive and positive manner.



senior planner

Ventura County Resource Management Agency
