
Ferdinand Marcos Dies in Exile

Ferdinand Marcos is dead. And the people of the Philippines can breathe easier. No longer can he threaten them with a return to their land.

Marcos has always maintained that he had never done anything wrong when governing. Everything he did was wrong. He violated all the precepts of just rule. He violated human rights, promoted economic inequality and produced a police state. And he did so with the consent of the wealthy, the corrupt and the government of the United States. When one remembers that George Bush, when vice president, went to the Philippines to commend Marcos on running a democratic government, he certainly did so with a double tongue.

There wasn’t an ounce of democracy in Marcos’ rule. He ran a corrupt, repressive regime. To the wealthy, the corrupt, the graft-ridden, he was a blessing. To the rest of the people of the Philippines, he was a disaster.



Los Angeles
