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THE OXFORD BOOK OF ENGLISH GHOST STORIES chosen by Michael Cox and R. A. Gilbert (Oxford University Press: $9.95). Anthology exhibiting the historical development of this genre.
TAMER OF THE WILD by Max Brand (Berkely: $2.95). Rory Michel travels through Apache country to lasso a priceless jewel.
CABIN 3033 by Anna Clarke (Charter: $3.50). After overhearing an argument between a literary agent and her husband, a woman traveling alone discovers intrigue, a love tryst and potential murder.
THE PLACE IN FLOWERS WHERE POLLEN RESTS by Paul West (Collier: $9.95). The tables are turned on Oswald Beautiful Badger Going Over the Hill when he arrives in the Southwest to provide spiritual nourishment for his ailing Uncle George.
THE SATURN GAME by Poul Anderson and ICEBORN by Gregory Benford and Paul A. Carter (TOR: $3.50). Saturn and Pluto are the settings for these two sci-fi novellas.
GRACIE: A Love Story by George Burns (Penguin: $8.95). Burns pays loving tribute to his wife of 40 years and credits her with his success.
FUTURE STUFF by Malcolm Abrams and Harriet Bernstein (Penguin: $8.95). Place your orders now for the butler-in-a-box, walking TV or flying car, all scheduled to debut by the year 2000.
UNFRIENDLY SKIES: Revelations of a Deregulated Airline Pilot by Captain X and Reynolds Dodson (Berkley: $4.50). Commercial-airline pilot tips passengers on the pitfalls within the airline industry.
THE TRUE BELIEVER: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements by Eric Hoffer (Perennial: $7.95). Author delineates the characteristics of individuals who unconditionally commit themselves to a single movement (reissue of a classic).
THE FIRST SALUTE: A View of the American Revolution by Barbara W. Tuchman (Ballantine: $11.95). Eminent historian takes on the American Revolution, in text described last year by our reviewer as being written with “verve and apparent pleasure.”
SELF-HELP / REFERENCECALIFORNIA NATIONAL FORESTS by Andrew Horan (Falcon Press: $14.95). The State’s 19 sites are not just for campers. They offer activities for skiers, fishermen, hikers, kayakers, mountain hikers, horseback riders . . .
UNCLE JOHN’S SECOND BATHROOM READER by The Bathroom Readers’ Institute (St. Martin’s: $8.95). Get the . . . uh . . . scoop on famous sayings, fashion history, American myths, strange lawsuits, conveniently arranged by length.
PREGNANCY OVER 35 by Dr. Schrotenboer-Cox and Joan Solomon Weiss (Ballantine: $3.95). An increasing number of women can bear children into their 30s and 40s by maintaining a certain level of health and being attuned to options and potential complications.
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