
Help Urged for ‘Mall Rats’

I was impressed by “A Cozy Pack--With No Parents” (Oct. 15), about the “Mall Rats.” I hope the article wakes San Diego up. The article said that San Diego County has over 1,000 homeless 16-to-19-year-olds, but the only help we offer them is one-night shelters or short-term programs. We need to provide long-term shelters for our homeless teens, and we need to make counseling available for them at the shelters. Kids need to know that, when they get tired of playing “Rebel Without a Cause,” sleeping with ants at Happy Camp, they can turn to the community for help. They have to have people who are willing to help, really help.

Many of the Mall Rats admit the life style isn’t as exciting as it used to be. Why don’t we offer them some place that’s better? Why don’t we set up a facility for them that they can use to get away, like they use Happy Camp, a place that is warm and clean and has a positive atmosphere?

We can learn a lesson from Susan Crafton, the 18-year-old who helps the teens when no one else will bother. The teens are so grateful to Susan, also known as “Mom,” because she cares. Doesn’t anyone else care like Susan does?

OK. Maybe the Mall Rats act like “Robin Hood’s merry band of men,” as Jasmine’s mother put it. So they have drugs, alcohol and sex at Happy Camp. That’s all they’ve got, though. They have nowhere else to turn. If they felt they could go home, they would. If shelters existed, they would use them. At least at Happy Camp they care for each other. They have to care--no one else will.



La Jolla
