
Thanksgiving: New Traditions

Poet Susan Polis Schutz specializes in love, as evidenced by 11 books of poetry, of which 15 million copies--all devoted to the one topic--have been sold. Her latest, entitled simply “Love,” is due out this month (Blue Mountain Press, P. O. Box 4549 , Boulder, Colo. 80306); $15.95).

Schutz dedicates her poetry to her husband and family and focuses on communications and sharing with loved ones. In line with that, she offers some advice about Thanksgiving.

“Sometimes it’s not enough to break bread with others--you must break through as well,” she said. And one method she suggests is by creating new Thanksgiving traditions.


“Many people don’t know how to communicate emotionally,” she said, explaining that they feel uncomfortable saying out loud that they care. “A special ceremony on an appropriate day like Thanksgiving can give people ‘permission’ to try. A simple, effective way is through poetry,” she said.

Following are some tips from Schutz for establishing new Thanksgiving traditions:

* Have your guests write or bring a poem that expresses their love and gratitude for family and friends. Hold a poetry reading. Afterward, take photographs of your guests and place their poems next to the pictures in an album.

* Have each guest write or bring a poem addressed to another guest. Instead of using name cards, put the poems at the place settings.


* Create a special toast that goes beyond the simple, “Thanks for friends, family and food.” It’s a perfect time to express thoughtful sentiments that all too often go unsaid. Keep it brief, keep it simple, and acknowledge the people with you at table.

* While everyone is still seated around the dinner table, have each person tell what they are thankful for.

* Have everyone tell what their goals are for the next year--what they hope to be thankful for next Thanksgiving.


* Invite everyone to share a special memory of a loved one.

* Begin to develop an attitude of gratitude. This is a positive way of thinking that can help you enjoy and appreciate life. It is an awareness of all that you are thankful for: family, friends, home, and more. While many people only give thanks on Thanksgiving, those with an attitude of gratitude give thanks every day. This leads to a healthy psyche that helps people get through difficult times.
