
Kitsa Chrys Treantafelles is the new president...

Kitsa Chrys Treantafelles is the new president of Las Amigas De Las Lomas, an auxiliary of the Crippled Children’s Guild of Orthopaedic Hospital in Los Angeles. She has served the auxiliary in a number of positions and is an active member of Rancho Vista PTA, the Philoptohos Society of St. Sophia Cathedral in Los Angeles, and the Mr. and Mrs. Club at St. Sophia.

Reporters from the Comet newspaper staff at Westchester High School won first place at the All-City Write-off held at Fairfax High School on Dec. 9. First-place winners are Stephanie Brynen, novice feature; Tammy Peterson, novice editorial; Brian Hirai, editorial cartoon. Twelve other Westchester High students captured three second-place awards, three third-place, two fourth-place, two fifth-place, one sixth-place and one ninth-place awards. They are: Kim Miyoshi, Elena Zaretsky, Ken Bonney, Debbie Matus, Scott Klapman, Joyce Lee, Nathaniel Bradley, Mike Furness, Alex Jenkins, Ron Morris, David Gordon and Kevin Sherwood.

They were among students from 21 Los Angeles schools who competed in an on-the-spot writing competition during which students listened to speakers for an hour and then had one hour to write their articles. The stories were judged by professional reporters from the Los Angeles Press Club. The contest was sponsored by the Los Angeles Journalism Teachers’ Assn.
