
Motorcycle Commuters

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I spent six years watching lane splitters--parked in the fast lane, my vantage point was good. In 1987, I bought a motorcycle. What did I buy?

1. I bought time. My daily commute was halved. There are no unknown waits in traffic.

2. I bought parking ease: I park close by; I don’t worry about theft.

3. I bought efficiency, economy and ecology. I get 50 miles per gallon and liability insurance is $150 a year. My bike used fewer resources to build than a car; and it requires less to support. It doesn’t have an air-conditioner, and it uses less oil and rubber.

Let’s say that 50% of rush hour cars have only one occupant. Let’s say that 50% of those commute every day, 9-5. Turn these drivers into riders--reduce traffic by a fourth! Should we spend to encourage riding? How much will Metro Snail cost? How much will conditions improve? How much will double-decking cost? How much to add motorcycle lanes instead?


You say research shows most motorcycle-auto crashes are the fault of the car driver. Then educate drivers! Teach where to look and how to react. Teach when and how to brake. What to do in the rain. Then put people on motorcycles and show that riding can be appropriate, safe and fun.

Imagine an official “LA Bike” with “LA Biker Gear.” Purchased in volume and made available for inexpensive rental at downtown locations, airports, malls and bus stops. Get Jay Leno’s and Gary Busey’s endorsements. Fashion statements! Traffic reduction! Increased Metro Rail use!


Canoga Park
