
Reaction of Politicians to Oil Spill Along Coast

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There has been a noticeable increase in the number of homeless people on the streets of Huntington Beach--a sad irony in the wake of the massive redevelopment project the city is undergoing. This brand of redevelopment was initiated by politicians in collaboration with out-of-town developers.

Our neighborhoods are being subjected to nocturnal aerial spraying of the nerve gas malathion--brought to us by the petrochemical conglomerates who have strong lobbies in Sacramento and Washington.

Now our precious seashore is threatened by a nearly 400,000-gallon oil spill.

Yes, this country is the “land of the free and the home of the brave.” The wealthy few, using the government as their tool, are free to impose the results of their greedy way upon the rest of us. Meanwhile, the rest of us must be brave in order to endure and overcome this dictatorship of amassed capital.



Huntington Beach
