
Laura Lake Is Not a ‘Voice’ for All

As a loyal resident of Westwood and an earnest reader of The Times and its Westside section, I find myself no longer able to stomach the seemingly relentless flow of infantile claims, interpretations and general political nonsense from Laura Lake and her Friends of Westwood Inc. Far too often this community has been misrepresented by this self-proclaimed “voice” of the people.

Make no mistake, several of Lake’s views and aspirations for Westwood do not reflect those of the bulk of its people. These “people” include established homeowners, renters and a diverse group of business operators as well. Virtually all are devoted to the socioeconomic prosperity of the Westwood area and, therefore, are concerned about the real elements and issues affecting its future. This practical stance has led many of us to the brink of nausea as we listen to Lake’s latest petty crusade against the UCLA Medical Center’s proposed Guest House.

Lake is fond of using the term “credibility” in her efforts. Might I suggest that she take a moment to ponder her own. Perhaps she will come to the realization that her misdirection makes her, at best, an “acquaintance” of Westwood.



