
Fans in Fighting Mood About Kings-Oilers Brawl

I realize that Earl Gustkey’s and Steve Springer’s articles on March 2 are attempts at satire. However, I take exception to articles and sportswriters that decide to express their uninformed opinions in the name of humor. For example, Gustkey gives his boxing ratings in the ice hockey division and says that Marty McSorley “is not alert defensively.” Was this the first game the guy has seen or is he not aware that McSorley has a reputation in the NHL for being a maniac when it comes to fighting? How can you take a guy seriously who rates Petr Prajsler first on his list when Prajsler can barely muster up a decent body check? So what if he happened to look good that night. The question is, is he consistent?

And why can’t The Times be more consistent in its coverage of the Kings? They get top billing for two days in a row because of a new record for penalties, but they couldn’t get a front-page story earlier in the season (when they were playing decent hockey) unless there was a story on Gretzky or a trade rumor. We get half-baked coverage for a wonderful sport and everyone wonders why hockey isn’t popular in Los Angeles.

