
Article Compromised White

I would like to share several thoughts on the June 8 article on Russell White and Crespi. The article was distasteful to me since I consider my relationship with Russell to be very special and I consider myself fortunate to work in a caring, Christian environment like Crespi. It is my opinion that the article did a disservice to both.

When writing an article, I feel one has an obligation to ask what is best for the individual being written about and for the community. I do not feel you considered these issues. Again, Russell was thrown into the spotlight with what I consider negative ramifications. This may not have been your intention, and I realize that Russell may have said some of those things. However, did you ever consider what the consequences would be for Russell?

The first is that you placed Russell in the position of questioning the integrity of our teachers, who I know care deeply about our students and work hard to prepare them for their future. In doing this you cut straight to the heart and created wounds that may never be healed. Second, you hurt me since I guess I was the one who was designated to oversee Russell’s preparation for college.


You can look at a situation and the glass can either be half full or half empty. This would have been a perfect opportunity to accentuate the positive of how Russell was successful and how others could learn from him the importance of studying and working hard. Instead, you mixed the important elements with things that I believe only create negative feelings and consequences. The issue is not what was said in the article. Russell and Crespi will survive that. The issue is should you have placed a young man like Russell in a position to hurt others?


Vice Principal of Academics,

Crespi High
