

I must respond to Kenneth L. Zimmerman’s negative viewpoint (Viewers’ Views, June 24) on the changing roles of women on television. Saying we’ve gone from Mrs. Cleaver to the “Ax Lady” (RA Killing in a Small Town”) is rather like saying we’ve gone from “Father Knows Best” to Ted Bundy, serial killer.

If Zimmerman would broaden his sights, he would be able to see that the changes, both good and bad, are the result of many factors, not just “women’s liberation.” Also, most programming decisions are still made in male-dominated corporate boardrooms.

I’d like to mention a few of the positive female characters seen on TV today: Murphy Brown, Claire Huxtable, Hope Steadman and yes, even Roseanne! (She may be a little weird, but I’ll take that over passive, naive and subservient any day of the week!)


Cynthia Murphy, Garden Grove
