
‘Over The Hill’ Ski Gangs Gaining Momentum

The Over The Hill Gang, which started in Colorado a number of years ago primarily to promote skiing among seniors, has grown into an active year-round group, nurtured chiefly by local chapters across the country.

The groups of 50-plus skiers now include fast-growing chapters in Los Angeles, Orange County and San Diego.

Winter sports, namely downhill and cross-country skiing, are still the primary attraction. Local groups offer their own ski tours tailored for the mature traveler to such areas as Mammoth or Tahoe, or just day trips to local areas like Mountain High.


Local membership also lets mature members join more extensive tours offered by Over The Hill Gang International. These include longer ski tours to Europe, New Zealand, plus numerous other U.S. ski resorts, including many in Colorado.

But getting more gray hair out on the white slopes in only part of the fun.

During the rest of the year, the local groups get together for biking trips, sailing, tennis, windsurfing, canoeing and kayaking, hiking and other activities and social outings.

The Los Angeles chapter numbers about 90 members with an average age of 60-plus, including two very active ladies--one aged 85 and another 72, who started skiing two years ago.


“We have an active summer sports and social program,” said activities coordinator Dick Knudsen, who also provides free windsurfing lessons to members twice monthly.

The Orange County Gang, consisting of about 20 members, has Charles and Ruth Wolfarth as trip coordinators. Cycle trips and easy-to-take hikes are popular with their gang.

The San Diego Over The Hill Gang was the first to get organized in California and remains the largest, also with an active year-round program.


Members of one gang can join in trips or other activities with the others. When Over The Hill members meet on the slopes, they join together for tournaments and races, apres- ski and social gatherings, and on tours, take part in events such as Big Band dinner dances.

Membership for those 50 or over is $50 for an individual and $80 per couple the first year; $35 and $65 thereafter. One member of the couple can be under age 50.

The cost includes both local and international membership, which provides newsletters from both on all planned activities. Also included are a club card and membership pin, reduced rates on ski lifts at many areas, rentals and frequently, accommodations and special trips.

Coming up this winter for example is a ski week with accommodations at the Sierra Nevada Inn at Mammoth for $20 a night per person. All three Southern California groups are joining together for the trip.

Local gang summer outings are either low or no cost, with members sharing rides and paying for their own meals or chipping in to share other expenses. On the average, local gangs are made up of about two-thirds singles, one-third couples. And there’s about a 60% to 40% split in favor of the ladies.

For more information, contact Los Angeles Over The Hill Gang, c/o Dick Knudsen, 3111 Paddington Road, Glendale 91206, (818) 244-2631.


Orange County Over The Hill Gang, c/o Charles and Ruth Wolfarth, 1695 Benik Road, La Habra 90631, (213) 691-0137.

San Diego Over The Hill Gang, e/o Sally Anthony Rothfus, 3067 Erie, San Diego 92117, (619) 287-1335.

Just a reminder. During the month of September, there’s a Senior Citizen Special at Universal Studios. Those 60 and over get in for $11. That’s a savings of $10 off the regular admission. Coupons, which admit up to four seniors, are necessary. To get one, call (818) 777-3791.

The 1990 Tom Mix Festival will be held at the Imperial Hotel/Casino in Las Vegas, Sept. 8-9. It will feature many of Tom Mix’s Western films in the Imperial Theater.

The Imperial is displaying the 1937 super-charged Phaeton convertible that Mix was driving when he was killed Oct. 12, 1940 near Florence, Ariz. It’s been fully restored as part of the Imperial’s 200 model antique and classic car collection.
