
Save Water? No Way

I would like to thank everyone in Southern California who sacrificed on their water consumption and enabled the Department of Water and Power to report a 15% drop in use over the same period last year.

I would like to thank them for sacrificing because I sure didn’t--and I don’t plan to at all.

I’m not going to cut back on my water consumption when the very same politicians who are asking me to cut back on how much water I use keep approving new housing developments.


Why should I sweep my driveway instead of hose it down when the water I save will go for the new houses being built? Our elected officials must think I am an idiot.

When the politicians stop approving new housing development, then, and only then, will I really make an effort to decrease my water consumption.

Until then, you can find me hosing down the driveway, singing long songs in the shower and watering my lawn every day.



