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The following is a list of people who filed to run in the more than 40 city council, school board and special district elections in Orange County on Nov. 6. The deadline to file candidacy papers was Friday. However, in races in which an incumbent did not file to run for reelection, the deadline was extended to Wednesday.

Races marked “no election needed” will not appear on the ballot because no one filed to oppose an incumbent.

An incumbent is indicated by inc .

Unless otherwise specified, each races is one seat for a full term.




Irv Pickler, councilman/business owner

Fred Hunter, inc.

COUNCIL (3 seats)

Miriam Kaywood, inc.

Irv Pickler, inc.

Fred Hunter, inc.

Jo Anne Barnett, school librarian

Frank E. Feldhaus Jr., business owner

John A. Schaeffer, computer specialist

Bob Simpson, retired/former city manager

NOTE: Current council members may also run for mayor. To win the mayor’s seat, a council member must also win reelection to the council.



Would increase the maximum fine for violating the City Charter or ordinances from $500 to $1,000 to conform with state law.

Would allow the general managers of Anaheim Stadium and the Convention Center to sign contracts for events at those venues.

Would place city service contracts under the city’s centralized purchasing plan.

Would allow the use of checks instead of warrants for city financial obligations. Also would increase the time limit on claims against the city from 100 days to six months. Both changes are to conform with state law.


Would allow the City Council to waive full reading of all ordinances and resolutions by a single motion instead of separate motions.

Would allow the City Council to make changes to city franchise contracts without passing new resolutions.

Would allow the City Council to establish a payment assistance program for utility services.


Would allow the City Council to sell and issue utility bonds and notes without voter approval.

BREA COUNCIL (3 seats)

NOTE: Filing period extended to Wednesday because incumbent Gene A. Layton did not file for reelection.

Bernie Dunlap

Clarice A. Blamer, inc.

Carrey J. Nelson, inc.


NOTE: Filing period extended to Wednesday because incumbent Ken Jones did not file for reelection

Gerald Sigler, retired

Rhonda J. McCune, inc.

Donna L. Chessen, inc.

Art Brown, retired sheriff’s deputy

Robert Roeff, business manager


Peter F. Buffa, inc.

Orville Amburgey, inc.

Arlene Schafer, unemployed/former Chamber of Commerce executive manager

Jay Humphrey, sales manager

Karen L. McGlinn, homemaker


Advisory measure: Should the city continue to allow the sale, use and storage of fireworks in the city?

Would prevent council members from voting on items affecting campaign contributors of $500 or more and prohibit them from accepting or seeking campaign donations of $500 or more from persons with pending or recent city business.


NOTE: Filing deadline extended because incumbent Margaret M. Arnold did not seek reelection


Walter K. Bowman, inc.

Charles Hicks Jr., business owner

Judith Pineda, nurse

Richard Partin, engineer

John Standiford, public relations

NOT RUNNING: John Kanel is ineligible to run because of a two-term limit.


Should the city establish a planning commission?


NOTE: Filing deadline has been extended to Wednesday because incumbent Howard Stephens did not file for reelection.

Marvin Adler, optometrist

John Collins, businessman/community leader

Guy Carrozzo Jr., retired

Laurann Cook, inc.

James E. Neal, inc.


A. B. (Buck) Catlin, inc.

Molly McClanahan, inc.

Ray Merryman, engineer


Should the sale, use and storage of fireworks be banned from the city?


W. E. (Walt) Donovan, inc.

J. Tilman Williams, councilman/businessman

COUNCIL (2 seats)

NOTE: Deadline to file has been extended to Wednesday because incumbent Raymond T. Littrell is not seeking reelection

Bart Blakesley, engineer

Walter C. Wood Jr., hospital employee/priest

Robert F. Dinsen, inc.

Mark Leyes, environmental impact analyst

Bruce Broadwater, insurance broker

Janet E. Sill, teacher aide/housewife

Vivian E. Kirkpatrick, administrative analyst


Establishes a rule for filling council vacancies when a council member is elected to a higher position, such as mayor.

Restricts where oil drilling can take place in the city.


Gail C. Hutton, inc.

Paul Eugene Mann, trial lawyer

COUNCIL (4 seats)

NOTE: Deadline to file has been extended to Wednesday because incumbents Thomas J. Mays, Wes Bannister and John Erskine are not seeking reelection.

George E. Arnold, self-employed

Dirk Voss, marine patrol officer

Marc Porter, business manager

Linda Moulton-Patterson, trustee, Huntington Beach Union High School District

Grace H. Winchell, inc.

Jack Kelly, local businessman

Paul Edward Cook, local businessman/former city administrator


Law to change the way city beaches and parkland can be used.

IRVINE COUNCIL (Special election; 1 seat)

Bill Vardoulis, engineering vice president

Carol Yocum, advocate

Michael Tague, high school administrator

Albert Nasser, attorney

Genovica N. Balteanu, mechanical engineer


Should the mayor be selected from among council members rather than elected by voters?

Should city elections be held in November rather than June?


NOTE: Filing period extended to Wednesday because incumbent Dan Kenney did not file for reelection.

Robert F. Gentry, inc.

Lida Lenney, inc.

Rickey Slater, custodian

Nancy Kreder, domestic engineer

Ann Christoph, landscape architect


Should voters have final say on the construction of proposed on-shore support facilities for off-shore oil drilling?


$20-million bond measure to buy open space in Laguna Canyon.


Douglas Bystry, inc.

William D. Mahoney, inc.

Norm Eneim, businessman

David Cheverton, businessman


Larry A. Herman, inc.

Orbrey Duke, inc.

Christian L. Basquette, businessman

Ken Tipton, business owner/contractor


Robert P. Wahlstrom, inc.

Alice Jempsa, inc.

Anthony R. Selvaggi, inc.

NOTE: No election needed.


NOTE: Filing period extended to Wednesday because incumbents Christian W. Keena and Victoria C. Jaffe did not file for reelection.

Sharon Cody, housewife

Norman P. Murray, inc.

Ed Kearns, retired

Allan F. Gallup, executive

Joseph D. Lowe, fire captain

Gary Manley, businessman

Val Secarea Jr.

David J. Holbert, deputy county assessor

Ray Carolin, consultant

Sue Withrow


Evelyn R. Hart, inc.

Donald A. Strauss, inc.

Clarence J. Turner, inc.

Phil Sansone, inc.

Max Dillman, businessman

Jan Vandersloot, dermatologist

John Hedges, businessman


NOTE: Filing deadline has been extended until Wednesday because Don E. Smith did not file for reelection.

COUNCIL (2 seats)

Joanne Coontz, inc.

William G. Steiner, inc.

Don Greek, engineer


Should the bed tax be increased from 8% to 10%?

Should the sale, use and storage of fireworks be illegal in Orange?

Should the city treasurer be hired by the City Council rather than elected?


Norman Z. Eckenrode, inc.

Carol Downey, inc.

Diane E. Cunningham, no designation


Edmund M. Ponce, inc./probation officer

NOTE: No election needed.


NOTE: Filing period extended to Wednesday because incumbent Holly Veale did not file for reelection.

Brian J. Rice, inc.

Charles M. Seward, corporate trainer

George E. Keys, retired/planning commissioner

Lew Elia, retired

Joe Anderson, insurance manager

Thomas Lorch, inc.


Donna Timney, 43, businesswoman

Gil Jones, 58, children’s mini-farm operator

Gary L. Hausdorfer, inc.

Mitchell I. Streger, physician

T. J. Meadows, consulting engineer

Joan Scarantino, no designation

Roy L. Byrnes, physician

NOT RUNNING: Incumbents Phillip R. Schwartze and Anthony L. Bland.


Daniel H. Young, inc.

Richard G. Moser, automotive engineer and musician


Ward 2

Ron May, inc.

Robert L. Richardson, Santa Ana school board member

Robert Banuelos, senior citizens center employee

Ward 4

Miguel A. Pulido, inc.

Coween Dickerson, business systems analyst

Ward 6

Richards L. Norton, inc.

Irene Martinez, Neighborhood Service Center program coordinator

Glenn Mondo, attorney


Would amend the City Charter to give the City Council the power to approve appointments made by the city manager. Currently, the council does not play a role in who becomes a department head.


NOTE: Filing deadline has been extended until Wednesday because incumbent Martha V. Weishaupt did not file for reelection.

Edward L. Allen, inc.

RandW. Hogan, sales service representative

Don Martinez, retail businessman

Joe V. Harris, retired


NOTE: Filing deadline has been extended because incumbents Robert N. Helton and Wayne W. Silzel did not file for reelection.


Barry Denes, business executive

Robert Bell, real estate agent

Robert Fauteaux, consultant

James T. Fasbender, inc.


Charles V. Smith, inc.

Daryl DeGraw, postal services manager

Frank Fry Jr., city councilman


Craig Schweisinger, businessman

Anita Huseth, inc.


Would set the length of one of the council terms in 1992 to two years instead of four. Without the change, three City Council seats would be up for reelection every two years, and only one seat would be open during the next election.

An ordinance increasing the city’s business tax.


Thomas E. Brown, salesman

Roland E. Bigonger, inc.

Henry W. Wedaa, inc.

Harry Elliott, financial executive

John M. Gulickson, businessman

John C. Kirby, physician

SCHOOL BOARD ELECTIONS North Orange County Community College District Trustee Area 1

Steve White, Anaheim, appointed incumbent

Leonard Lahtinen, Anaheim, educator

Trustee Area 2

A. John Gironda, Los Alamitos, investment counselor

Otto J. Lacayo, Cypress, inc.

Trustee Area 3

Barry J. Wishart, Yorba Linda, inc.

NOTE: No election needed.

Trustee Area 4

Nilane A. Lee, Fullerton, inc.

NOTE: No election needed.

Rancho Santiago Community College District Trustee Area 2

Charles W. (Pete) Maddox, Orange, business planner/educator

Vernon S. Evans, Santa Ana, inc.

Trustee Area 3 (2 seats)

Shirley A. Ralston, Orange, incumbent

Carol Enos, Orange, incumbent

NOTE: No election needed.

Saddleback Community College District Trustee Area 2

Joan J. Hueter, Tustin, incumbent

Trustee Area 4

Iris Swanson, San Clemente, incumbent

Trustee Area 5

Marcia Milchiker, Laguna Hills, incumbent

NOTE: No elections needed.

Anaheim Union High School District Board Member (3 seats)

NOTE: Filing deadline has been extended to Wednesday because incumbents did not file.

Hershel Cherson, businessman/recreation commissioner

Lola Ann Tapia, no designation

Joanne L. Stanton, inc.

Donald D. Weddle, public affairs director

Shirley Rehm, self-employed

Fullerton Joint Union High School District Board Member (3 seats)

Marilyn B. Buchi, inc.

Robert A. (Bob) Singer, inc.

Robert N. (Bob) Hathaway, inc.

John J. Marcinko, high school counselor

Brea-Olinda Unified School District Board Member (4 seats)

NOTE: Filing deadline has been extended to Wednesday because an incumbent did not file for reelection

Lynn Daucher, inc.

Frank B. Davies, inc.

Leonard H. MacKain, inc.

Barbara R. Paxton, homemaker

Capistrano Unified School District Area 4

Crystal Kochendorfer, incumbent

Area 6

Paul B. Haseman, incumbent

Area 7

Annette B. Gude, incumbent

NOTE: No elections needed.

Laguna Beach Unified School District Board Member (3 seats)

NOTE: Filing deadline has been extended to Wednesday because an incumbent did not file for reelection

Karen D. Linden, community volunteer

Susan H. Mas, inc.

Gene Felder, environmentalist/manager

Tim Davis, inc.

Carl E. Schwarz, university professor

Los Alamitos Unified School District Board Member (2 seats)

NOTE: Filing deadline has been extended to Wednesday because an incumbent did not file for reelection

Keith Polakoff, dean of graduate studies

Jeanne S. Flint, inc.

Placentia Unified School District Board Member (2 seats)

William R. Kielty, businessman

Karin M. Freeman, inc.

Roger Kavigan, student teacher

Isabelle Jambon Hlavac, inc.

Quentin P. Goodman, inc.

Guy R. Ehrich, inc.

Board Member (Unexpired term; 1 seat)

Constance (Connie) Underhill, Placentia, businesswoman/volunteer

William R. Scarberry, Anaheim, appointed incumbent

Saddleback Valley Unified School District Board Member (2 seats)

Charles R. Wall, small businessman

Dore John Gilbert, inc.

Roberta (Bobbee) Cline, inc.

Mark R. Lopez, legal researcher

Linda McLandrich, educator

Tustin Unified School District Board Member (2 seats)

Gloria F. Tuchman, inc.

Maurice A. Ross, educational consultant/

former superintendent

Jane Bauer, inc.

Buena Park School District Board Member (3 seats)

B. Buck Levine, Buena Park, inc.

Elizabeth (Beth) Swift, Buena Park, inc.

Charles Menzies, Buena Park, inc.

Board Member (Unexpired term; 1 seat)

Barbara Fagins, La Palma, appointed inc.

NOTE: No elections needed.

Centralia School District Board Member (3 seats)

NOTE: Filing deadline has been extended to Wednesday because incumbent Kit Dameron did not file for reelection

Karen L. Blake, La Palma, teacher/volunteer

Gloria Scanlon, La Palma, inc.

Jerry S. Buchanan, Buena Park, inc.

Cypress School District Board Member (3 seats)

Edward K. Southfield, inc.

Ventura Cornejo Jr., inc.

Ellen Friedmann, inc.

NOTE: No election needed.

Fountain Valley School District Board Member (3 seats)

Mary Lou Crossett, inc.

Stephen J. Einstein, inc.

Robert J. Sedlak, CPA/financial accountant

Roger W. Belgen, inc.

Felix Rocha Jr., federal special agent

Larry R. Crandall, small business owner

Barbara A. Vogel, homemaker/parent

Fullerton School District Board Member (3 seats)

NOTE: Filing deadline has been extended to Wednesday because an incumbent did not file for reelection


Elena Reyes-Jones, business attorney

Anthony (Jay) Gray, parent

Marjorie Pogue, retired teacher

Rosamaria Gomez-Amaro, parent/university administrator

Robert (Bob) Fisler, inc.

Irene Armstrong, inc.

Betsy M. Cheek, consultant

Huntington Beach City School District Board Member (3 seats)

Pat Cohen, inc.

Brian F. Garland, Edison High School principal

Shirley A. Carey, businesswoman

Brian Rechsteiner, parent/businessman

Robert J. Mann, inc.

Michael J. Cassidy, attorney

Sarah Ann (Sherry) Barlow, inc.

La Habra City School District Board Member (3 seats)

Nancy S. Zinberg, inc.

Antonio Valle Jr., inc.

Linda Navarro-Edwards, inc.

NOTE: No election needed.

Magnolia School District Board Member (3 seats)

Ray Morales, inc.

Esther H. Wallace, inc.

Richard K. Shimeall, inc.

NOTE: No election needed.

Ocean View School District Board Member (3 seats)

NOTE: Filing deadline has been extended to Wednesday because incumbent Janet Garrick did not file for reelection

Lottie M. Hobbs, parent/teacher/businesswoman

Julie Engquist, personnel commissioner

Carolyn L. Kanode, registered nurse

Randall J. (Randy) Clifford, parent/businessman

James M. Ball, manager/engineer

Charles (Chuck) Osterlund, inc.

Flint Morrison, business/audio production

Tracy Pellman, parent/registered nurse

Randy Vanderhook, developmental lab technician

Board Member (Unexpired term; 1 seat)

Steve Buhrig, small business operator

Carolyn Hunt, inc.

Savanna School District Board Member (3 seats)

Pat Ochoa, inc.

Linda Turek McGoldrick, inc.

Edward A. Erdtsieck, inc.

Linda R. Weinstock, business owner/parent

Westminster School District Board Member (3 seats)

NOTE: Filing deadline has been extended to Wednesday on the full-term seat because an incumbent did not file for reelection

Sheryl Neugebauer, parent/flight attendant

Cindi Arthur, inc.

Joseph G. Davis, attorney

Ron Morgan, appointed inc.

Margie L. Rice, inc.

Board Member (Unexpired term; 1 seat)

Kathy Stirling Iverson, educator/parent

SPECIAL DISTRICT ELECTIONS Capistrano Bay Community Services District Board Member (3 seats)

Basil D. Rose, inc.

William R. (Bill) McConnell, inc.

Charles J. Tarr, inc.

Karen L. Miller, retired educator

Sheila W. Bullock, attorney

Jane Pryke, retired businesswoman

Rossmoor Community Services District Board Member (2 seats)

NOTE: Filing deadline has been extended to Wednesday because an incumbent did not file for reelection

Margaretha V. (Margrit) Kendrick, community volunteer

James E. Bailey, retired aircraft planner

Joel Rattner, attorney

Joyce Bloom, inc.

Steven N. Brody, small businessman

Surfside Colony Community Services District Board Member (2 seats)

NOTE: Filing deadline has been extended to Wednesday because no incumbent filed for reelection

Carpenter Irrigation District Director Division 3

Lawrence G. Miller, Orange, inc.

Director Division 4

Leif R. Brudevold, Orange, inc.

NOTE: No election needed.

Serrano Irrigation District Director Division 1

Gordon L. Lockett, Villa Park, inc.

Director Division 4

Terence S. Clingan, Villa Park, inc.

NOTE: No elections needed.

Capistrano Bay Park and Recreation District Board Member (3 seats)

Douglas A. Erdman, Capistrano Beach, civil engineering student

Robert D. Wilberg, Capistrano Beach, park technician

Evelyn S. Rapozo, Dana Point, appointed inc.

Ward Brady, Dana Point, inc.

Ed Conway, Dana Point, businessman

Lynn J. Muir, Dana Point, inc.

Capistrano Beach Sanitary District Director (2 seats)

Lawrence Montoya, Capistrano Beach, inc.

Jim R. Forrester, Capistrano Beach, inc.

Bill Morison, San Clemente, district attorney administrator

Costa Mesa Sanitary District Director (3 seats)

Nathan L. (Nate) Reade, Costa Mesa, retired

Jim Wahner, Costa Mesa, inc.

Harry S. Green, Costa Mesa, inc.

Ormy Crank, Newport Beach, inc.

Director (Unexpired term, 2 seats)

James M. Ferryman, Costa Mesa, appointed inc.

Franklin D. Cole, Costa Mesa, consensus planner

Dick Sherrick, Costa Mesa, mechanical engineer

Dana Point Sanitary District Director (3 seats)

Fred M. Roberts, inc.

Al Poskanzer, inc.

Richard D. Runge, inc.

Director (Unexpired term; 1 seat)

Alan Gordon, appointed inc.

NOTE: No elections needed.

Garden Grove Sanitary District Director (3 seats)

Sheldon S. Singer, inc.

Norman E. Culver, inc.

George L. Zlaket, appointed inc.

NOTE: No election needed.

Midway City Sanitary District Director (3 seats)

NOTE: Filing deadline has been extended to Wednesday because incumbents Dewey L. Wiles and Anthony Nelson Jr. did not file for reelection


James V. (Jim) Evans, Westminster, inc.

Margie L. Rice, Westminster, manager

Arlene Wozniak, Garden Grove, executive secretary

Surfside Colony Storm Water District Trustee (3 seats)

NOTE: Filing deadline has been extended to Wednesday because no incumbent filed for reelection

El Toro Water District Director (3 seats)

William M. Semple, Laguna Hills, inc.

Gilbert Nelson, Laguna Hills, inc.

Robert (Bob) Hanson, Laguna Hills, no ballot designation

Ron Kennedy, Mission Viejo, appointed inc.

Irvine Ranch Water District Director (3 seats)

John B. Withers, appointed inc.

Ray Auerbach, inc.

Peer A. Swan, inc.

Charles D. McGee, water scientist

Moulton Niguel Water District Division 2

Gerald E. Buck, Mission Viejo, no ballot designation

Division 3

Ernie M. Ellsworth, Laguna Hills, no ballot designation

Division 4

Laurence R. Lizotte, Laguna Niguel, no ballot designation

Capistrano Beach County Water District Director (2 seats)

Henry A. Halminski, Capistrano Beach, inc.

Martha N. Rottman, Dana Point, retired

Ken Lawrence, Capistrano Beach, inc.

Ray L. Benedicktus, San Clemente, water engineer

East Orange County Water District Director (3 seats)

Gary R. Veeh, Tustin, appointed inc.

Paul Fletcher, Santa Ana, retired construction supt.

Richard E. (Dick) Barrett, Santa Ana, inc.

Ralph C. Provost, Santa Ana, inc.

Laguna Beach County Water District Director (3 seats)

Ted N. Doniguian, inc.

Bruce R. Scherer, inc.

Louis J. Zitnik, inc.

Director (1 unexpired seat)

Joseph R. Sweany, appointed inc.

NOTE: No elections needed.

Los Alamitos County Water District Director (2 seats)

Edwyna E. Moyer, inc.

Marjorie Travers, inc.

NOTE: No election needed.

Mesa Consolidated Water District Division 4

Henry (Hank) S. Panian, inc.

Division 5

Thomas E. Nelson, inc.

NOTE: No elections needed.

Santiago Water District Director (2 seats)

Robert E. Morris, Silverado, inc.

Maryann Brown, Orange, inc.

NOTE: No election needed.

South Coast Water District Director (3 seats)

Jacquline K. Ludlum, South Laguna, appointed inc.

P. Norman Anderson, South Laguna, inc.

Susan W. Hinman, Danta Point, executive assistant

John A. Rayment, Laguna Niguel, appointed inc.

Trabuco Canyon Water District Director (3 seats)

Craig J. Baker, inc.

D. Rea Williams, engineer

Ron Lana, graphic designer

Ted N. Strom, inc.

Phillip D. Shipp, computer executive

Sam S. Porter, cement contractor

Yorba Linda Water District Director (3 seats)

NOTE: Filing deadline has been extended to Wednesday because an incumbent did not file for reelection

Paul R. Armstrong, inc.

Sterling L. Fox, inc.

Carl T. Scanlin, retired

Orange County Water District Division 1

Kathryn L. Barr, Garden Grove, inc.

Division 5

Langdon (Don) Owen, Irvine, inc.

Division 7

Donn Hall, Costa Mesa, inc.

NOTE: No elections needed.

Coast Municipal Water District Division 3

Doreen D. Marshall, Newport Beach, inc.

Division 4

Joan C. Finnegan, Costa Mesa, inc.

NOTE: No elections needed.

Municipal Water District of Orange County Division 1

H. E. (Bill) Hartge, Huntington Beach, inc.

Division 2

Bob Huntley, Westminster, appointed inc.

Division 5

Wayne A. Clark, Irvine, inc.

NOTE: No elections needed.

Tri-Cities Municipal Water District Division 3

Craig Strickland, San Clemente, inc.

Jennifer Blake, San Clemente, no ballot designation

Division 4

Art Holmes, San Clemente, inc.

Bill Mecham, San Clemente, businessman

Division 5

Jim Lawson, San Clemente, inc.

Edward R. Kweskin, San Clemente, planning commissioner

Buena Park Library District Trustee (2 seats)

Bob Niccum, inc.

William S. Hardin, inc.

NOTE: No election needed.

Placentia Library District Trustee (2 full terms)

NOTE: Filing deadline has been extended to Wednesday because an incumbent did not file for reelection

Saundra Stark, inc.

Trustee (Unexpired term; 1 seat)

Robert Osborn, appointed inc.
